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Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable Class Reference

A GdkGLDrawable C++ wrapper class. More...

#include <inti/gdk/gl/drawable.h>

Inheritance diagram for Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable:

Inti::Gdk::GL::Pixmap Inti::Gdk::GL::Window List of all members.

Public Member Functions


Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions


Detailed Description

A GdkGLDrawable C++ wrapper class.

Drawable represents an OpenGL rendering surface interface.

Member Function Documentation

Drawable* Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable::get_current  )  [static]

Gets the current Gdk::GL::Drawable.

The current Gdk::GL::Drawable or null if there is no current drawable.

Config* Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable::get_gl_config  )  const

Gets the Gdk::GL::Config with which the drawable is configured.

The Gdk::GL::Config.

void Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable::get_size int *  width,
int *  height

Fills width and height with the size of the GL drawable.

width The location to store the drawable's width, or null to ignore.
height The location to store the drawable's height, or null to ignore.

The width or height argument can be null if you only want the other one.

bool Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable::gl_begin Context glcontext  ) 

Delimits the begining of the OpenGL execution.

glcontext A Gdk::GL::Context.
true if it is successful, false otherwise.

bool Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable::is_double_buffered  )  const

Determines whether the drawable supports the double-buffered visual.

true if the double-buffered visual is supported, false otherwise.

bool Inti::Gdk::GL::Drawable::make_current Context glcontext  ) 

Attach an OpenGL rendering context to a drawable.

glcontext A Gdk::GL::Context.
true if it is successful, false otherwise.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: Main Page - Footer

Generated on Sun Sep 14 20:59:26 2003 for Inti-GL by doxygen 1.3.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002