Reference Manual
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Inti-GL Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Inti::Gdk::GL::ConfigA GdkGLConfig C++ wrapper class
Inti::Gdk::GL::ContextA GdkGLContext C++ wrapper class
Inti::Gdk::GL::DrawableA GdkGLDrawable C++ wrapper class
Inti::Gtk::GL::DrawingAreaAn Open-GL capable drawing area widget
Inti::Gdk::GL::PixmapA GdkGLPixmap C++ wrapper class
Inti::Gtk::GL::WidgetA C++ wrapper interface for the GtkGLExt widget functions
Inti::Gdk::GL::WindowA GdkGLWindow C++ wrapper class
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Generated on Sun Sep 14 20:59:26 2003 for Inti-GL by doxygen 1.3.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002