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Inti::GConf::Schema Class Reference

A GConfSchema C++ wrapper class. More...

#include <inti/gconf/schema.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions


Detailed Description

A GConfSchema C++ wrapper class.

A schema is a value that describes a key-value pair. It might include the type of the pair, documentation describing the pair, the name of the application creating the pair, etc. Its primary purpose is to provide documentation about the key to system administrators manipulating the GConf database. Secondarily, schemas contain a good default value for the key; GConf will automatically return this value when a key is unset. Schemas also include the name of the application that created a key (useful when trying to clean old junk out of the database, for example).

Schemas are normally installed from special schema description files; the gconftool program knows how to read these and install the schemas into the GConf database. Normally, schemas are not installed by application code, though the interface for doing so is a public part of the GConf API.

Member Function Documentation

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_car_type ValueType  type  ) 

Set the Pair car type of the described entry.

type The ValueType.

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_cdr_type ValueType  type  ) 

Set the Pair cdr type of the described entry.

type The ValueType.

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_list_type ValueType  type  ) 

Set the list type of the described entry.

type The ValueType.

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_locale const String &  locale  ) 

Set the Schema locale.

locale The name of the locale.

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_long_desc const String &  desc  ) 

Set the long description of the entry, could be a paragraph or so.

desc A long description text.

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_short_desc const String &  desc  ) 

Set the short description of the entry, 40 characters or less and no newlines.

desc A short description text.

void Inti::GConf::Schema::set_type ValueType  type  ) 

Set the type of the described entry.

type The ValueType.

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Generated on Sun Sep 14 23:52:40 2003 for Inti-GConf by doxygen 1.3.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002